Saturday, January 02, 2016HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I decided to start the new year with my LAST Paris look! This is one of my favorite shoots ever so apologies for the mass photos (okay there are just a few more than normal). I actually have a funny story to go with this post... my sister and I wanted to meet up with Olivier Wong, a Paris photographer, so we set up a day/time. On the supposed day I got up at 6 am but it was pouring rain. I got ready (exhausted) and we got an Uber to the location. It was till pouring rain! Then my sister texted him to say hey we're running late and he said oh but it's tomorrow! OMG! Just ridiculous. So we went to the Louvre instead and bought cheap umbrellas that promptly broke!
Well anyways the next day we tried again, but the sky was clear! The sunrise was gorgeous! It wasn't even as cold as the previous days so shooting in this (gorgeous) dress wasn't as bad as I had expected :)
I'm not much into New Years Resolutions by the way, I'm more into the never-ending self improvement journey! I think it's important to have the willpower to just start on improving yourself whenever the realization hits you! But in case you are wondering, some of the things I am working on changing/improving are 1) going to sleep earlier so I can get up earlier! 2) Spend more time with my mom! 3) Go to the gym every other day and create a gym routine for travel situations, 4) Clean more! 5) Eat healthier and finally 6) Exfoliate every day!
Photos by Olivier @wonguy974